www.acdemyfeedback.com – Academy Sports & Outdoors Customer Satisfaction Survey
People, who have shopped the equipment, clothing and other stuff for their sports, training, and outdoor activities from Academy Sports + Outdoors, are invited to join a short customer satisfaction survey.And get a chance to win Academy Sports Gift Card as a prize.
In the Academy Sports + Outdoors Customer Satisfaction Survey, you will be required to give your honest feedback and opinions based on your experience upon the recent visit of the Academy store. It is needed for the growth of the company and also providing better service to the customers.
To join the Academy Sports & Outdoors survey and win the grand prize
Customers will need to fulfill some certain requirements to qualify for the survey:
- Have an Academy Sports + Outdoors receipt with the survey invitation.
- Have a legal residency in the US.
- Must be 18 years or older.
Instructions to complete the Academy Sports & Outdoors survey
If you are eligible to enter and all set to go, follow the steps below:
- Keep the Academy receipt or the survey invitation handy.
- Go to the survey page at www.acdemyfeedback.com
- Enter the Date, Time, Transaction Number, Store Number, and Register Number from your receipt.
- Click “Start” to continue.
- Follow the instruction and answer the survey questions according to your opinions.
- Provide the necessary information and leave your feedback.
- Finish the survey successfully and you will be entered into the sweepstakes.
More Read: Auto Zone Survey
Cross your fingers and wait for the prize draw!
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