www.tellmarcos.com – Marco’s Pizza Customer Survey
Have you visited a Marco’s Pizza restaurant recently? Share your thoughts and get a reward printed on your receipt from Marco’s Pizza. All the suggestions, as well as the complaints, are welcomed as they help to assess the performance and improve the service in future.
Requirements to enter the Marco’s Pizza survey
In order to take part in the Marco’s Pizza Customer Satisfaction Survey, at first, ensure your eligibility.
- Your visit to Marco’s Pizza must be lately.
- You need to save the purchase receipt of that visit. (You get all the necessary information from that receipt).
- Have a computer or smartphone with a good internet connection to access the survey.
More Read: Einstein Noah Guest Experience Survey
To complete the Marco’s Pizza survey and get the offer
If you have fulfilled all the requisites, just keep the receipt in front of you and follow the steps to complete the survey:
- Go to www.tellmarcos.com to open the survey page.
- Enter the time of visit and survey code in the specified field from the receipt. (A sample receipt will be there showing you where you have to look at to find the information).
- Click ‘start’ to enter the next section.
- Answer the survey questions properly and honestly according to your recent experience in Marco’s Pizza.
- Submit and finish the survey.
Once you are done, a validation code will appear on the screen. Note the code or write it on your receipt. Take it with you at the time of your next visit to Marco’s Pizza.
Receive the discount and enjoy the savings!
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